Yes. It’s free to create a profile. No credit card is required. Just create an account, fill out your info and activate your profile.
Because we want as many people as possible to sign up and making it free will help us achieve that goal. We like therapy directories that are 100% inclusive. If we don’t charge therapists for creating a profile, then we’ll be more inline with our inclusive values. And clients will get more choices. Now you don’t have an excuse for not signing up ;)
Having the opportunity to have a free profile is something that no other directory offers. Even though your profile won’t appear in TherapyDen search results there are still benefits to having a profile with us.
You have a direct link to your profile that you can share anywhere. You can include it on your own website, share it on social media, in your email signature or anywhere else you see fit to help potential clients learn more about you. Your profile can also appear in Google search results.
It’s probably because you haven’t filled out enough information. We only want mental health practitioners that are going to fill out all the info. It’s not good for clients to see a bunch of empty profiles. Also, Google will get really mad at us if there are a lot of therapist profiles with no content. And we all know it’s a bad idea to get on Google’s bad side.
At minimum, make sure you have filled out your Basic Contact Info, About You page and selected the issues that you treat. We also need you to fill out your license information.
Seriously, you don't need to enter billing info. We don't plan to charge you for your profile. Unless you would like to pay for a premium subscription and be included in TherapyDen search results.
Great question! TherapyDen will continue to provide free profiles for all therapists who want to sign up no matter your financial situation. We don’t want to create a barrier for therapists who are just starting out or who are pinching their pennies. However, there will be a couple limitations on free profiles moving forward.
The first limitation is that free profiles will not appear in TherapyDen search results. You will have a link to your profile you can share anywhere you like. Your profile can also appear in Google search results.
The second limitation for free profiles is that therapists will only be able to list one state where they provide online counseling. Previously therapists were able to list multiple states. Listing multiple states now requires a premium profile. So if you’re licensed in multiple states to provide online counseling and you want to appear in search results for those states, you’ll want to upgrade to a premium profile.
The other new change is that therapists with free profiles will no longer be able to list group therapy sessions. If you’d like to list a support group you’ll need to upgrade to a premium profile.
The main benefit to a premium membership is that you will be included in TherapyDen search results.
You will be able to list multiple states you are licensed in to provide online counseling. This includes listing every state associated with PSYPACT if you are a member.
Do you want to keep your profile active but alert users that you’re only accepting new clients to be placed on a waiting list? With a premium listing you’ll be able to click a button that clearly lets visitors know you have a waitlist active.
A premium profile will now allow you to add custom sub-headings to your profile. This is perfect for therapists who want to customize their profile to speak more directly to their clients. It’s also a great option for group practices that want to create a profile that more clearly reflects the fact that you have multiple therapists on staff.
As a premium subscriber you’ll also be displayed as a featured therapist throughout the website. Your profile will be featured on high-trafficked spots across the site, providing a nice boost to your profile views.
More premium features will be added to the site as we continue to build and grow TherapyDen. I’d love to hear from you about features you’d like to see!
We have no control over Google. It can take several weeks to months for them to index new pages and include your profile in their search results. Make sure all your information is correct in your profile and make sure it’s activated, then just give it time.
If you recently changed information on your profile it can take Google some time to catch up. Double-check that all the information is correct and then just give it time. If it has been a while you can try to contact Google to get the information updated, but it still may take a while to change.
Therapists can choose to pay a monthly fee of $30 for a premium profile. Your contribution will make it easier to continue growing the site so that even more therapists and clients learn about our progressive search filters and other crucial features. (Please note: you can cancel your premium subscription at any time.)
Oh, you’re just the sweetest! Thank you so much for noticing our hard work. It means a lot. We love all your gratitude. Instead of sending us money, you can do something else that’s even more important. You can spread the word about TherapyDen. Please share our benefits page with your colleagues. Most therapists belong to private facebook groups and email list serves. We get the most sign ups when you share TherapyDen in those groups. But you can also share on social media. But for real, thanks for wanting to give back. We love you too!
You sure can. Just login to your account and click the Delist button. All your info will be saved the next time you want to turn your profile back on.
Yep! We decided to make TherapyDen available to everyone in the country, based on what we heard from therapists while we were building it.
Yes, that's correct. For now at least. We plan to expand outside of the U.S. one day, but we can really only handle one country at a time.
OH I’M SO GLAD YOU ASKED. But you really shouldn’t get me started because I can just go on and on about how much more inclusive and progressive and modern TherapyDen is compared to Psychology Today and GoodTherapy. TherapyDen offers the following:
The only site that offers FREE PROFILE
Filter by zip code
Filter based on language
Filter based on faith
Filter for therapist that are non-binary
Filter for online therapist
Filter for therapist offices that are ADA accessible
Filter for therapists that are in the LGBTQ community
Filter by therapist’s ethnicity
Filter based on out of pocket fee/sliding scale
Filter for therapists that believe in Health at Every Size
Filter for therapists that specialize in racial justice
Filter for therapist that are sex positive
Filter for therapists that are queer and trans competent
Filter for therapists that specialize in poly and open relationships
Filter for therapists that offer psychedelic integration therapy
Filter for therapists with gender neutral bathrooms
It even gets better with premium membership.
Good question! Yes there are. Once your profile is activated, you can login to your account and click on Member Benefits. You’ll be taken to the page that lists all of our exclusive deals with our partners. The list of deals is always being updated so be sure to check back in every once and a while.
Yup. I am a white, male identified person who is the face of TherapyDen. I know that I have certain privileges that other people don't get to experience because of how lucky I am to be born into these circumstances. But I don't want to be the white dude who just sits back and reaps all the privileges and lives in ignorance while doing it. Screw that. I want to be the white guy who fights for justice and exposes unfairness in the system. I want to work with diverse people and shine a light on different voices that move our society and mental health community forward.
I regularly and often consult with people that are not white, heterosexual and male identified. I created an advisory board that has heavily influenced the content of the site and all of the search filters. I am continuing to reach out to people who would like to be included on the advisory board.
But because I am white and live in a society that allows me to forget about my privilege and not be aware of it at all times, every now and then I will do or say something that is ignorant or not fully attentive to every aspect of racial and social injustice. And if that happens, I am 100% open to feedback. You don't have to worry about my fragility. If you feel inspired to let me know honestly and directly how I am coming across or that TherapyDen isn't living up to it's mission, then I will be more than willing to address the issue.
Essentially, I don't just want to be a fan of equal rights. I want to do something about it. And TherapyDen is what I'm doing.
All that being said, and what some of you may already know about me, if you tell me that I’m being too disruptive, or that you don’t like my tone, or you think I’m making too big of a deal about injustices then you should be prepared for me to bite back. Racism, homophobia, transphobia and all other forms of hate make me really mad and sometimes when I advocate for justice I get pissed. I’m sorry if I’m offending you, but this is really upsetting to me.
To change your login email just send us an email at and let us know what the old email is and what you would like it changed to and we will take care of that as soon as possible.
If you need your account deleted just shoot us an email at and let us know the name and email address associated with the account you need deleted and we will do that as soon as possible.
Keep in mind free profiles do not appear in search results. Make sure you are a premium member first. If you are sure you are a premium member then please know there is a glitch in the system.
There is a glitch in the system that kicks your profile out when you are logged in. We are working on a fix for this, but it hasn’t been easy. In the meantime, if you log out or use an incognito tab you should be able to see your profile. If you are still having problems feel free to email us and we can take a look.
Also in larger and more competitive areas there could be thousands of therapists listed. In that case it is recommended that you set filters based on your specialties, insurance accepted and other things that would lead to your profile being easier to find.