Men's Issues

Studies have shown that women are much more likely than men to seek therapy. However, just like women, men can benefit from having a confidential, private space to explore any issues that might be coming up for them. The term “men’s issues” can refer to any number of concerns men might face, including anger management, addiction, intimacy issues, domestic violence, mid-life crises, grief or loss – in addition to mental health issues like anxiety or depression. If you have found yourself experiencing any of these issues (or others), reach out to one of TherapyDen’s men’s issues specialists today.

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Do you feel as if your voice hasn’t been heard or listened to? You know that something is wrong but can’t put your finger on it - you just know you need help. There’s a stigma surrounding men seeking help for their betterment that I want to help dispel. You need help to and I will work with you to figure out how to best solve any challenges that you face. We will work together and make sure that your voice will always be heard and listened to.

— Jacob Rincon, Associate Marriage & Family Therapist in San Antonio, TX

I have the experience and expertise necessary to help men confront and conquer the unique challenges they face in life. I work to provide a safe space for you to explore your feelings, whether it's stress, anxiety, depression, or anger. With a deep understanding of the complexities that come with being a man in today's world, together, we can move you toward achieving mental and emotional well-being.

— Alicia McDonald, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Supervisor in Columbus, OH

Men's issues encompass a broad spectrum of emotional and psychological challenges that often go unrecognized or unaddressed. Men are indoctrinated into rigid notions of masculinity, which can stifle emotional expression leaving them disconnected from others as well as themselves. I create a safe and non-judgmental space where men can explore their feelings and vulnerabilities without fear of judgment, allowing them to reconnect more deeply with themselves and others.

— Jake Sims, Associate Marriage & Family Therapist in San Francisco, CA

I help men break down barriers to seeking help and cultivate healthier coping strategies. My commitment to destigmatizing men's mental health encourages meaningful conversations and fosters a sense of empowerment and resilience. By addressing the specific needs of men, I strive to promote emotional well-being and enrich their lives.

— Dexter Mai, Associate Clinical Social Worker

I have worked a lot with men on male specific issues. Primarily dealing with relationships, life direction, and anxieties.

— Travis Luttrull, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor in Miles City, MT

Let me support you in navigating issues specific to what it means to identify as male. I can offer a fresh perspective and experience working with men from a variety of backgrounds.

— Gabriel Trees, Associate Marriage & Family Therapist in Portland, OR

I have extensive clinical expertise in helping men work toward a place of thriving. I know directly the territory of being a man facing depression and anxiety, having found a way to access my own gifts of therapeutic healing both for me and for others. I am trained as a clinician to combine solid research foundations with practical methods to provide the best mental health treatment for men.

— Edwin Dilone, Clinical Social Worker in Jacksonville, FL

As a young man growing in an increasingly complex world, I understand the unique stresses men go through in the 21st century. I've made it a pillar of my work to help other men navigate the world in a healthy and positive manner.

— Evan Moore, Licensed Mental Health Counselor

In my therapeutic practice, I hold a space for addressing men's issues, recognizing the unique challenges and societal expectations they navigate. I am committed to dismantling stereotypes and fostering an environment where men feel heard and understood. Through open dialogue, we explore masculinity, relationships, and personal growth, dismantling barriers to emotional well-being. It's a journey that honors vulnerability, resilience, and strength.

— Alex Kawliche, Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Tampa, FL

Given the prevalence of screens and the demands of our capitalistic culture, there seems less time to connect with other men and express our wild masculine side. We suffer from loneliness, disconnection and anger, coupled with a feeling that our masculinity is not welcomed. As a male-identified therapist and facilitator of Men's Groups, I am here to meet you in your hurt and help you re-enliven your masculinity in healthy and impactful ways.

— Matthew Beals, Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate in Fort Collins, CO

As a cis man, and through my work with male clients, I seek to explore and interrogate what it means to "be a man" in today's society. I believe that you are "already a man," regardless of how one does or does not fit into societal stereotypes. I support others in the struggles that come with the attempts to live up to impossible standards and challenge the status quo, helping individuals become true to themselves, regardless of others' perceptions.

— eric bjorlin, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Evanston, IL

As men, our interaction with the world is one of high and demanding expectations. We are expected to protect, to provide, to care for, to fix or to plan. We are expected to not show emotion. Everyone depends on us to provide stability. Who is looking out for us? Who is thinking about the daily pressures we bear? I see you. I see your silent suffering. You don’t have to fight this alone, I am in your corner.

— Jared Yslas, Associate Professional Clinical Counselor in Tacoma, WA

Let me support you in navigating issues specific to what it means to identify as male.

— Gabriel Trees, Associate Marriage & Family Therapist in Portland, OR

I offer a supportive space for men navigating various challenges. From identity exploration to communication skills, I help clients foster self-awareness and develop healthy coping strategies. Together, we address societal pressures and explore ways to promote emotional well-being and authentic self-expression.

— Jeff Barbour, Therapist in Nashville, TN

I provide a safe and validating therapeutic environment for men to explore concerns they may not feel comfortable sharing with others.

— Matt McKevitt, Clinical Social Worker in Wyckoff, NJ

Men who are seeking therapy are often struggling with emotional expression, relationship difficulties, career pressures, fatherhood and family dynamics, and navigating life transitions. My approach is focused on helping you develop stronger communication skills, a better understanding of emotions and relationships, and a healthier work-life balance. Together, we'll explore strategies for personal growth, developing a more fulfilling life with stronger relationships.

— Daniel Kessler, Psychologist in , MN

Too masculine, not masculine enough? Too in touch with emotions, not in touch enough? For so many of us men, we don't fit into any one box. Yet, we might have been raised or currently living among people who don't get us. This can lead us to question if we are 'good enough' or 'doing it right.' Learn how to be comfortable in whatever way you choose to express who you are. Let me help you release old fears, old patterns and live authentically, now and everyday.

— Cole Huggins, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Atlanta, GA

In this world of changing gender roles it helps to think directly about what it means to be a man. The toxic masculinity we have been shown is no longer meeting our needs for meaning, love, or even empowerment. It can be liberating to ask, "What is sacred masculinity?" If we can have compassion and curiosity for the parts of us that took on toxic masculine attitudes, we can also learn to live in ways that honor both the sacred masculine and the feminine aspects of our being.

— Carlyle Stewart, Counselor in Asheville, NC