Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is an evidence-based modality for treating Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). In ERP, clients work with a trained therapist to learn how to gradually expose themselves to thoughts, images and situations that provoke anxiety without engaging in compulsions to soothe the anxiety. This gradual exposure leads to the reduction of anxiety over time, "retraining" your brain to no longer see these things as a threat.

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I have specialized training in ERP for anxiety/panic in both adults and children. We'll go through the process together and set up an ERP plan that feels manageable for you and your specific concerns.

— Sara Hofmann, Psychologist

ERP therapy (Exposure Response Prevention therapy) helps to alleviate the obsessive and compulsive thinking patterns and behaviors that can feel paralyzing. We together will find the right approach for you. ERP therapy helps to reduce these symptoms through exploring core fears and participating in exposures to increase the ability to tolerate the anxiety. A unique

— Amy Brinkman, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Naperville, IL

This is a very specific therapy to address concerns related to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Within this therapy model, we would work together to generate a hierarchy of events or stumbling blocks getting in your way. We then create challenges for concurring each obstacle using learned coping skills from session.

— Debra Nelson, Clinical Psychologist in Durham, CT

In a nutshell, Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) is your savvy coach, guiding you through facing fears and ditching those automatic responses that are impacting your life and seeking therapy. It's a teamwork approach, usually led by a therapist skilled in the art of conquering OCD. So, you expose yourself to the fear, resist the compulsion, and gradually break free from the clutches of OCD. It's like untangling a tricky knot – challenging but entirely doable.

— Stacey Conroy, Clinical Social Worker

Exposure and response prevention (ERP) is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) used to treat a variety of conditions, including anxiety, phobias, and eating disorders. It is considered the gold-standard treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

— Rachel Whisennant, Licensed Professional Counselor in Sandy Springs, GA

I have significant experience and continued trainings on OCD and usage of Exposure and Response Prevention techniques. This is a collaborative process between me and my clients!

— Deanna Aliperti, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in New York, NY

I completed training through the International OCD Foundation's (IOCDF) Behavioral Therapy Training Institute. I participate in regular consultation groups led by another clinician who is also experience in ERP.

— Meghan Meros, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor

Advanced training in exposure and response prevention, the gold standard for the treatment of OCD.

— Lisa Junck MacDonald, Clinical Psychologist

Advanced training in exposure and response prevention, the gold standard for the treatment of OCD.

— Lisa Junck MacDonald, Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Parlor's primary method of intervention is ERP which is the empirically established treatment for OCD.

— Jessica Parlor, Psychologist in New York, NY

I use ERP to disrupt the obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) cycle. ERP has more scientific evidence behind it than any other approach for OCD and is therefore considered the “gold standard”. Through gradual, systematic real life (in-vivo) and imaginal exposure combined with ritual prevention you too can learn how to reduce your distress and reclaim your life from OCD.

— Regina Lazarovich, Clinical Psychologist in Scotts Valley, CA

ERP is a powerful, evidence-based approach that involves gradually exposing individuals to their fears while teaching them to resist the urge to engage in compulsive behaviors. I've honed my skills in designing personalized ERP plans that are both challenging and manageable, ensuring clients feel supported every step of the way. My commitment to this method is driven by its proven effectiveness in breaking the cycle of fear and compulsion.

— Tanja Josimov, Registered Associate Clinical Social Worker in Beverly Hills, CA

I am trained in both traditional ERP and rumination focused ERP.

— Allison Summer, Licensed Professional Counselor

Exposure and response prevention (ERP) focuses on changing unhelpful patterns of behavior that reinforce the cycle of OCD by gradually facing feared situations in a supportive and encouraging setting.

— Quintessential Health, Clinical Psychologist in , PA

I have extensive experience working with clients of all ages struggling with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). When applying this treatment, I aim to psycho-educate my client and their family (if appropriate) on the nature of OCD. I also work to help my clients understand how facing the feared stimuli as well as resisting the compulsive urge can decrease their anxiety. I have worked with OCD tendencies that present as bedtime rituals, confessions, fear of germs, bathroom tendencies, etc.

— Brooke Rawls, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in Los Angeles, CA

I am trained and practiced in exposure and response prevention to treat OCD and severe anxiety disorders. Previously I worked for a telehealth company that specializes in OCD treatment exclusively, and have experience in treating the disorder in adults and adolescents. I have worked with family members of people with OCD to help them stop unknowingly reinforce the OCD cycle as well.

— Carly Steinberger, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in , CA

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy is a highly effective treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). In ERP, individuals confront their obsessive thoughts and resist engaging in their compulsive behaviors. Through repeated exposure to anxiety-provoking situations and prevention of ritualistic responses, ERP helps individuals learn to manage and ultimately reduce their OCD symptoms.

— Jessica Furland, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Carlsbad, CA

I find that Exposure and Response Prevention is the most evidence-based and effective treatment for a variety of presentations, particularly including OCD, phobias, social anxiety, and panic attacks. As someone who has myself struggled with emetophobia for years, I've done this treatment myself and take a trauma-informed approach when integrating ERP with my clients.

— Lauren Cook, Clinical Psychologist in Pasadena, CA