
Making the decision to leave one’s home to make a new life in another country is not an easy one. In today’s context of worldwide migration and globalization, individuals, families and communities affected by immigration and acculturation have unique needs. Adapting to and coping with a new culture can be stressful and can cause anxiety – particularly if you don’t speak the language. Although every circumstance is unique, some immigrants or refugees may have also experienced trauma on their journey – in addition to significant culture shock. If you are an immigrant struggling with adapting to life in a new community, reach out to one of TherapyDen’s immigration/acculturation specialists today.

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As an 1.25 generation Chinese-American (the son of immigrant parents), I have a special interest in using a multicultural approach to support clients who are immigrants or the children of immigrants.

— Jason Wang, Psychologist in Washington, DC

Moving to a new place can upend your support systems and usual modes of coping at a time when you may need them most. Language and cultural barriers can be a background stress that drastically impacts your overall sense of well-being. As a fellow traveler who has experienced adjusting to a new place, I aim to help you find your footing, develop supports and a sense of belonging, and process difficult experiences in a safe and understanding space.

— Liz Ortland, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in Portland, OR

I am a bilingual therapist fluently in English and Mandarin. I am familiar with culturally competent therapy and service. Born and raised in Taiwan, I have worked and clinically trained in the U.S in various Asian mental health setting including hospital outpatient department, community mental health clinic, school-based mental health services, and private practice. As an Asian American psychotherapist, I naturally connect with immigration and acculturation issues that clients experience.

— Suzie Wu, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Berkeley, CA

I completed an APA-accredited predoctoral internship at RAMS, Inc., a community mental health agency in San Francisco, California. As part of my work at RAMS, I completed clinical rotations at the Comprehensive Crisis Center, PAES Vocational services, and an outpatient clinic. The didactic part of my training at RAMS focused on cultural competency, which has been an essential part of my clinical work with first-generation immigrants in psychotherapy.

— Alexey Tolchinsky, Clinical Psychologist in Gaithersburg, MD

Specialties include: An Immigration Evaluation adds tremendous value to an immigration case. They are critical in detailing a client's mental health, trauma history, and compelling reasons for leaving their country of origin. Through my work with immigrants and their families, I conduct evaluations to assist with the immigration process. I've conducted evaluations for a wide range of immigration cases, including asylum and extreme hardship waivers.

— Valeska Cosci, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Venice, CA

I have worked for many years life changes especially with the immigrant community and 2nd generation youths who may have recently arrived or came to this country.

— Karen Veintimilla Veintimilla, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor in New York, NY

I have a professional background in assisting immigrants as they navigate the complexities of their cultural identities while undergoing the process of integration into a foreign culture.

— Victoriya Slavich, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner in New York, NY

I bring a deeper understanding of immigration and acculturation issues through my own experience. I have a lived experience of being from an immigrant family, and navigating the intricate balance between personal, familial, cultural, religious, and national values. I work to create a safe and understanding space for clients to explore their own identities and how they would like most to authentically live them in their current lives.

— Samire Qosaj, Therapist in Northbrook, IL

Together we will explore issues of home, belonging, and identity, as well as cultural expectations, individuality, and choice.

— Vivienne Kim, Associate Marriage & Family Therapist in Berkeley, CA

I am an immigration evaluation therapist who has been conducting immigration evaluations since 2015. At this time, I offer immigration evaluations for the following types of cases: Hardship, Cancellation of Removal, Removal of Conditions, VAWA (for men and women), and U-Visa. I offer evaluations for clients located in the following states: Connecticut, Florida, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and South Carolina.

— Nikki Sewell, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Ann Arbor, MI

Many of my clients are first or second generation citizens, or working here with a green card. Immigration/Acculturation is not usually the reason someone seeks therapy with me, but it underlies almost every conversation.

— TESSA SINCLAIR, Marriage & Family Therapist in San Francisco, CA

I'm an immigrant from Greece and the Middle East who is now naturalized in the United States. As someone who identifies as racially ambiguous, I'm passionate about serving immigrant communities and addressing cross-cultural dynamics. I know firsthand how branching out while maintaining a connection to your culture can feel impossible. In therapy, I will work with you through a culturally-humble and culturally-affirming lens to help you navigate these challenging dynamics.

— Anny Papatheodorou, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in Walnut Creek, CA

I come from a unique background of spending my early childhood in South Korea and navigating the issues of adapting to a new culture after immigrating to the United States. I'm also passionate about raising awareness about the importance of therapy and destigmatizing mental illness in Asian American communities.

— Janae Kim, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

I have the experience not only of having, myself, lived and worked in other countries in my adult life, but of having worked with refugees, immigrants, dislocated peoples, expats living abroad, and persons who have returned to their country of origin, as well as, those unable to return to the country of origin. I have an existential and person-centered non-pathologizing lens through which each person's lived experience is honored and is at the core of the therapeutic relationship.

— Melanie Chitwood will be out of office & unavailable 5/24 through 6/4/2024., Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor in ,

Being a person of color, I understand the struggle that comes with being a racial minority in America and the assimilation stress that builds if one is not willing to "forego" their identity. I use a trauma-informed relational approach to help clients find a balance between Assimilation and Marginalization, in order to work towards healthy integration.

— Monesha Chari, Psychotherapist in New York, NY

As an immigrant myself, I understand firsthand the challenges and triumphs that come with the process of adapting to a new culture and country. My personal journey has deepened my empathy for the emotional complexities of immigration and acculturation. I'll provide a safe, inclusive space for you to explore your unique journey and its emotional nuances.

— Yiran Sun, Licensed Mental Health Counselor in new york, NY

As an immigrant, I understand first hand the challenges one faces around acculturation and assimilation. Going through the immigration process can be scary and the pressure from the society along with family pressure can result in stress while feeling like you don't quite fit in. As your therapist, we will delve deeper around the challenges you face and assist you in feeling confident with yourself and finding healthy ways to cope with potential anxiety that can arise.

— Avni Panchal, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Oakland, CA

As an immigrant, I can relate to your experience. I have worked with immigrants and their families through all of my training. I look forward to hearing your immigration and acculturation story. I continue to stay on top of immigrant and racial issues in our country so that I can help individuals from various races and religions as they navigate through their racial identity, immigration story, and the challenges that they face.

— Liliana Ramos, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in Milpitas, CA