Beit Gorski (xe / xem / xyr, elle)

Accepting Clients

I'm a licensed somatic psychotherapist with a wellness coaching practice that centers on practical recovery from abuse and other trauma.

Licensed Professional Counselor in Fort Collins, CO

About My Clients

Feeling stuck in your trauma recovery? Perhaps you've been working with a therapist and have identified habits that help but you never seem to be able to work the plan in a meaningful way. Or maybe you've made changes and experienced some relief but you struggle to find the meaning in it all. Working together to both explore practical goals and understand the underlying issues in a deeper way, I can be a companion as you move through the deep dark night of the soul and into a satisfying life.

My Background and Approach

If you have a broken bone, your doctor does not heal you. Your body heals itself. However, effective healing requires your doctor’s expertise to set and support the bone or it won’t go so well! In a similar way, my approach to trauma recovery starts by respecting that you have all you need to heal within you. I have the expertise and experience to support that natural healing process with practical interventions rooted in authentically caring for my clients. Increasingly, relevant research indicates that meaningfully recovering from trauma requires engaging with one's body across all domains of human living. My practice specifically centers on where spirit and body meet in the recovery process. My approach to spiritual coaching is practical wellness coaching that focuses on the spiritual domain, such as exploring or identifying personal values or cultivating a sense of meaning from life and its experiences. NOTE: I do NOT assume, promote, or shame any theism, atheism, or agnosticism.

My Personal Beliefs and Interests

While I started out in cognitive development research, I shifted early in my career to psychotherapy because I have a passion for direct service and I love the depths of healing work. However, across the 2 decades of working in counseling, I believe the profession has become inappropriately medicalized and, in a for-profit medical system, focuses on superficial behavioral interventions that keep folks just healthy enough to continue to be good customers. My goal in this work is for my clients to find the other side of trauma recovery, growing meaningful satisfaction in a life worth living, and thriving despite the pervasive violence of misogyny, white supremacy, heteronormativity, and ableism. I want more for my clients than being a survivor of violence-- I want my clients to enjoy a deeply loving self-relationship rooted in strong self-authority and to move effectively through their lives with an abundance of love, prosperity, and inner peace.

I offer online counseling in the following states:
I have experience with the following
  • Agnosticism
  • Atheism
  • Buddhism
  • Christianity
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
  • Jehovah's Witnesses
  • The Satanic Temple
  • Taoism
  • Wicca/Paganism
  • Interfaith
  • Multifaith

At A Glance

  • Experience: 11 years of practice
  • Rate: $70 - 200/session


(720) 443-3204 Email Beit
110 W Harvard St.
Fort Collins, CO 80525

Reach out to Beit